Stay on top of your Smartphone with Senior Planet from AARP. Join us for live lectures on smartphone usage, tips, and more. Questions? Call our dedicated help hotline: 888-713-3495.

Upcoming Events

Tue, April 30 EDT
10:30AM EDT / 9:30AM CDT / 8:30AM MDT / 7:30AM PDT

Smartphones at a Glance

How smart are they? We'll tell you all about smartphones.
Tue, April 30 EDT
10:30AM EDT / 9:30AM CDT / 8:30AM MDT / 7:30AM PDT

Introduction to Learning Apps – Languages & The Arts

This presentation will introduce you to apps that help you learn different languages, explore the arts and art history, and even show you how to play instruments.
Wed, May 1 EDT
6:00PM EDT / 5:00PM CDT / 4:00PM MDT / 3:00PM PDT

Messaging Apps

This lecture will go over the features of three widely-used apps: iMessages, Google Chats, and WhatsApp.
Free Ask the Techspert - Memoji
Fri, May 3 EDT
4:00PM EDT / 3:00PM CDT / 2:00PM MDT / 1:00PM PDT

Emojis, GIFs, and more!

Learn how to use emojis, GIFs, and more to quickly say what you mean!
Wed, May 8 EDT
12:30PM EDT / 11:30AM CDT / 10:30AM MDT / 9:30AM PDT


In this lecture you’ll learn about the latest iPhone, its features and what to consider if you’re thinking of buying one.
Wed, May 8 EDT
6:00PM EDT / 5:00PM CDT / 4:00PM MDT / 3:00PM PDT

Food Delivery Apps

Learn about the pros and cons, how to search for new restaurants, and how to leave a tip and rating.
Fri, May 10 EDT
2:00PM EDT / 1:00PM CDT / 12:00PM MDT / 11:00AM PDT

Intro to Translation Tools

This lecture will introduce digital translation tools and apps, such as Google Translate.
Thu, May 16 EDT
10:30AM EDT / 9:30AM CDT / 8:30AM MDT / 7:30AM PDT

Messaging Apps

This lecture will go over the features of three widely-used apps: iMessages, Google Chats, and WhatsApp.
Fri, May 17 EDT
11:00AM EDT / 10:00AM CDT / 9:00AM MDT / 8:00AM PDT

Introduction to Nextdoor

This presentation will introduce you to the most common uses for the Nextdoor app and its main features, along with some best practices for using it safely.
Tue, May 21 EDT
6:00PM EDT / 5:00PM CDT / 4:00PM MDT / 3:00PM PDT

Intro to Photo Editing Tools

Can you photoshop that? Come learn the possibilities with photo editing tools!
Thu, May 23 EDT
4:30PM EDT / 3:30PM CDT / 2:30PM MDT / 1:30PM PDT

P2P Payment Services

In this lecture, you’ll learn about some of today’s most popular P2P payment services, including PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp.
Tue, May 28 EDT
10:30AM EDT / 9:30AM CDT / 8:30AM MDT / 7:30AM PDT

Smartphone Camera Uses Beyond Photography

Come learn about QR codes, augmented reality apps, and more!
Wed, May 29 EDT
12:30PM EDT / 11:30AM CDT / 10:30AM MDT / 9:30AM PDT

Introduction to Learning Apps – Languages & The Arts

This presentation will introduce you to apps that help you learn different languages, explore the arts and art history, and even show you how to play instruments.

Articles About Technology

Ask the Techspert: TechBytes episodde 4

Ask The Techspert: TechBytes Episode 4

In this TechBytes episode the Techspert answers questions about finding your lost phone, Wi-Fi passwords, adding computer users, and more.
En Español

Sea realista con respecto a la inteligencia artificial

La Inteligencia Artificial o “IA” ha dominado el mundo tecnológico; ahora Senior Planet avanza con nuevas clases de IA para adultos mayores. ¡Participe con nosotros!
Senior Planet News

Get Real about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or “AI” has dominated the tech world; now Senior Planet steps up with new AI classes for older adults. Join us!

Happy Birthday YouTube!

A 19-second video of a young guy talking about his trip to the zoo marks a milestone in online content this month.
Activism & Advocacy

Voting 2024 – Links to Help

Voting in 2024 starts with voter registration and state primaries with varying requirements and deadlines. These links can help.
Senior Planet - Ask The Techspert - What about group chats?
En Español

Pregúntele al Techspert: Todo acerca de los chats grupales

Los chats grupales son una forma divertida, eficiente y que ahorra tiempo de mantenerse en contacto con familiares o grupos de amigos para planificar un evento, compartir noticias o simplemente mantenerse en contacto.

Questions? Call our dedicated help hotline: 888-713-3495

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