Senior Planet News

Help Double Senior Planet’s Impact!

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What is the impact of Senior Planet and OATS from AARP? 

Since its inception in 2004, the mission of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP has been to harness the power of technology to change the way we age. Every day, we are faced with a million micro-decisions, and we are guided to the answers by asking ourselves, “does this help us accomplish our mission of reaching seniors across the country and providing them with impactful, engaging classes that lead to life-changing outcomes?”  

Through thousands of free Senior Planet programs offered annually both online and in-person and through our charitable affiliation with AARP, OATS can advance its mission now more than ever before. In 2022 alone, older adults have participated in Senior Planet classes over 300,500 times! 

It’s not just about taking a technology class, it’s about how people apply their new tech skills to create a lasting impact. Based on recent research, our findings show that 88% of seniors who participated in tech training felt more connected to family and friends. As one participant recently put it: “For knowledge, for health, and also just to connect with other people. I’m so grateful to have found Senior Planet, and I know others agree when I say that it’s been too long since we could sit around with people and share and talk and learn.”

This Giving Tuesday (November 29), we’re asking for your help to grow our impact even more. 

What is Giving Tuesday? 

Giving Tuesday is a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and honor generosity. Held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday is OATS’s largest fundraiser of the year and a chance for our community members to show their appreciation for our free services. 

If you have enjoyed a Senior Planet class, discussion group, or tech-tutoring session this year and are able – will you make a donation to help Senior Planet offer even more life-changing programs to tens of thousands of older adults next year? 

How can you DOUBLE your impact? 

In honor of Giving Tuesday, this year, AARP and UnitedHealthcare will MATCH your donation to OATS, dollar-for-dollar, up to $250,000!  

If you are able, please help us reach our fundraising goal of $60,000 by the end of Tuesday, November 29. Every donation, no matter the size, helps us immensely! 

To donate and double your impact, please click the red button below and make sure to select “Older Adults Technology Services” when you give. 

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Any questions? Email or call 888-713-3495