New York City

Bulletin Board

From time to time, Senior Planet receives requests from casting agencies, research groups and others looking for help in finding seniors to participate in paid or unpaid projects of various kinds. In our occasional Bulletin Board feature, we pass along any that look worth following up. (We have been in contact with each company that contacts us, but we haven’t fully vetted these opportunities; use the contact information provided at the end of each entry to draw your own conclusions.)

Columbia University Teachers College is seeking community-dwelling adults over the age of 65 years to participate in a research study looking at the cough reflex. The study requires two separate visits to the lab on Manhattan’s Upper West Side (120th St/Broadway). Each visit will last no longer than one hour. At each visit, you will complete some pen-and-paper tests, have a hearing screen, and have your cough reflex tested by inhaling some mist.  To offset travel costs, there is $20 compensation per visit ($40 total).   In order to participate, you must not have smoked within the last 5 years, and have no history of asthma, chronic cough, severe reflux, dementia or head/neck cancer.
For more info, contact Sarah via email or phone 212-678-3072.  They will try to respond as soon as they can.  This study is open throughout 2019.