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Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program: 網路購物 開放問答室 (Online Shopping Open Lab)

Date & Time

Monday February 12, 2024
12:00PM EDT / 11:00AM CDT / 10:00AM MDT / 9:00AM PDT


Online / By Phone


課程必須預先註冊,請致電AACI 鄭經理 (408) 975-2339 或 ACCC (650) 289-5400 你也可以發送電子郵件至 ACCC@avenidas.org 或 senior.wellness@aaci.org,並提供您的姓名,電子郵件地址和電話號碼。請在主題欄中輸入“Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program” 。完成課程註冊後,您會收到一封電子郵件確認,其中包含 Zoom 鏈接和加入課程的說明。



網上購物讓您可以使用電腦在互聯網上購買產品,並讓它們運送到您家中或任何地方!網路商店通常有更大的庫存和更低的價格,因此您可以快速找到最優惠的方案。本講座將提供有關使用流行網站 Amazon.com 在線購買從洗碗精到日用雜貨等所有商品的一般介紹。您將學習如何搜索產品、進行比較以及將商品添加到在線購物車中。您還將了解其他流行的在線網站,例如淘寶。

點擊這裡觀看講座講義。(For the English handout, please click here.)

Pre-registration is required, and to enroll into the series, please email ACCC@avenidas.org with “Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program” in the subject line, and your name, email address, and telephone number in the email. Once you have been registered, you will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link and instructions to join the session.

Welcome to our Q+A session, where we will openly discuss questions that came up for you in the Online Shopping lecture.  

 About the Online Shopping Lecture 

Online shopping lets you buy products on the internet from your computer and have them shipped to your home or anywhere! Online stores often have larger inventories and lower prices, so you can quickly find the best deal. This lecture will provide a general introduction to shopping online using the popular website Amazon.com. You’ll learn how to search for products, make comparisons, and add items to an online shopping cart.

For the handout in Mandarin, please click here.

For the handout in English, please click here.